Short Brief On Permalink — Digital Marketing Hindi

Surbhi Tayal
2 min readAug 9, 2022


The permalink is the full URL you see — and use — for any given post, page or other pieces of content on your site mostly permalink is big and tough to remember so it’s important to create the permalink easy so that it can be easy for everyone to remember. I recommend you to read the article on How To Create Permalink.

The term “permlink” has been around on the Internet for a long time and everyone who uses WordPress has encountered it, but what exactly does it mean? The basic definition is the direct link to a post on a blog, bulletin board or forum after the post has left the home page. Since the link for that post remains unchanged, it allows you to find that post.

In the early days of blogs and forums, it was much like Facebook today. If you wanted to include a link to a Facebook post in your blog post, it was not possible because there was no permanent link to that post. That’s how it used to be with all websites.

Then someone came up with the idea of creating a “permanent link” to any post, and everything changed. The first permalinks were not pretty and not very human-friendly, but they worked, and when you inserted such a link into your article or blog post, it always led to that page.

On WordPress, the permalinks look weird by default. It’s not human-friendly, it’s not easy to remember, and it’s definitely not good for your site’s search engine optimization. They are full of question marks, equal signs and numbers. That’s because they do not actually link to a page, but to the location in the database where that page is located.

A few versions of WordPress ago, they added the feature that allows you to customize permalinks. There are many ways to change them. You can list the year, the month, the date and the name of the post. Something like this:


Nowadays, most people just want the name of the post in the link, so it would look like this:


To do this, go to “Settings” in your WordPress admin panel, then to “Permalinks” and select “Custom Structure”. Enter the following in this field:”


Type all of that, including the slashes and percent signs. This tells the program how to create the link.

A word of warning. If your site has been around for a while or is even relatively new and there are a lot of links pointing to your site, do not change the permalink structure! The point of this is that links always work, and if you change the structure, the links pointing to your site will no longer be valid. If that’s the case, you’ll have to live with weird looking permalinks and look longingly at all your friends who have beautiful permalinks on their blogs.

However, if you are just setting up a new WordPress website, you should adjust your permalinks now so that they always look pretty and always work.

