A Short Note On WordPress Plugins- Digital Marketing Hindi

Surbhi Tayal
3 min readAug 16, 2022

Wordpress Plugins are extra add-on which are available to you in wordpress itself when your are creating a website. Here is a quick overview on wordpress plugins to know more about it in detail I personally recommend you to read the detailed article on What Is Wordpress Plugins.

One of the features that make WordPress so powerful is its plugin architecture, which allows users and developers to extend the functionality of the basic CMS (Content Management System).

The official definition of a WordPress plugin is as follows: A WordPress plugin is a program or set of one or more functions written in the PHP scripting language that adds a specific set of functions or services to the WordPress weblog that can be seamlessly integrated into the weblog using access points and methods provided by the WordPress plugin application program interface (API).

In other words, plugins are tools that allow you to do almost anything you want on your website. Want to add a photo gallery? A shopping cart? There’s a plugin for that.

Do not overload
Plugins are great, but they should only be used when absolutely necessary. A common problem with WordPress websites is that they are overloaded with too many plugins. Each plugin accesses the database whether the plugin is active or not. So the more plugins you have, the more the database needs to be accessed. Depending on your web hosting, this can noticeably slow down the website.

The number of plugins depends on the features and required functionality of your website. Once you have more than 15 plugins installed, there is a risk that your website will slow down and users visiting your website may have a frustrating experience. So remember: do not overdo it with plugins unless you have to.

The practical 5
There are many great and powerful plugins for WordPress. Depending on what type of website you have, the plugins you use will vary. Today I am going to talk about five of the most practical plugins I have used for developing websites with WordPress.

Official Description: This simple but effective plugin allows you to clean and optimize your WordPress database without phpMyAdmin.

Why it’s handy.
While the ability to optimize database tables is essential, my personal favorite feature of this plugin is the ability to remove SPAM comments or unapproved comments with a single click. I have seen WordPress websites that had thousands of spam comments in the comment forms. If you were to delete these comments manually in WordPress, it would take at least an hour or two, maybe longer. But with WP-Optimize, it only takes seconds.

Search and Replace
Official Description: A simple search to find strings in your database and replace the string.

Why is it handy.
When you develop a website, sometimes the web hosting is not yet connected to the domain. The URL of the development site might be something like this: 111.11.1111/~user/. So during development, the links in the content might look like this: 111.11.1111/~user/about-us/. When the domain name is finally associated with the web hosting, the site URL will change to something like yoursite.com. However, you will notice that the links in the content still point to the URL 111.11.1111/~user/about-us/ instead of yoursite.com/about-us/. You could manually update the links so that they point to the current URL, but this can become very tedious depending on how large the site is. The solution is to use the Find and Replace plugin. With this plugin, you can search the database for all URLs that contain 111.11.1111/~user/ and then replace them with the current yoursite.com. A word of caution. If you do not know what you are doing, you can really mess things up. I would suggest experimenting with a local installation of the site first to get a better feel for how it works.

